Monday, August 31, 2015

Put yourself in someone else's shoes

Liz is a long time Darwin resident. As I tell her about On Her Terms, she reveals that she has had 2 terminations of pregnancy, both over 20 years ago.

Terminations of pregnancy can be required for a variety of reasons, which are often beyond the control of the woman affected. This is certainly the case for Liz, who was using contraception on both occasions: “At the time of the first termination I had an IUD in place and for the second I was using condoms. Unplanned pregnancies can happen even if precautions are taken and I was very grateful that the health system gave me quick and easy access to a hospital termination.”

While Liz had good access to a termination, and felt well supported at the time, it would not have been her choice to have a surgical termination of pregnancy if an alternative was available: “It would be much easier if I didn’t have to undergo surgery for my terminations as general anaesthetics can be dangerous. If at the time I had my terminations there was access to a non-surgical termination I would have chosen that. It should be as easy and safe as possible to have a termination”.

Liz expresses her disbelief at why people would not support the proposed changes to the NT Medical Services Act, including broadening of access to RU486. She remarks that it would be less costly, and safer.

For those who don’t support the proposed changes, Liz would say: “Put yourself in the shoes of the person making the decision and don’t judge their actions. People are fundamentally good.”

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