Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Equal access for all.

Having an abortion is an experience that no one would wish upon another woman. I have not had to do it, nor do I ever hope to. Sometimes though, personal circumstances mean that we have to make tough decisions, and I feel absolute empathy for women who, for whatever reason, are not in a position to be able to raise a child with the love and care that it needs and choose to have an abortion. Above all, I believe that women have a right to decide what happens to their bodies.

Several months ago it came to my attention that women living in the Northern Territory are, compared to women living in the rest of Australia, limited in their right to make reproductive choices. This outrages me. Whether or not ones' personal values agree with abortion or not, all should agree that we should not have lesser degree of freedom to make choices about our body just because of where we live.

I am a resident of the Northern Territory. I am also a woman. I should have the right to the same health services that all other women in Australia have access to.

Cat Street - August, 2015

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